About me

  • I am a third year PhD student at Yale University, Yale Applied Cryptography Laboratory (YACL), and luckily being advised by Prof. Ben Fisch.

  • Before coming to Yale, I obtained my Master’s degree at Columbia University, where I was fortunate to be jointly advised by Prof. Tal Malkin and Prof. Eran Tromer. During my Master’s study, I also worked part time as a researcher at Duality Technologies Inc., where I was fortunate to be supervised by Dr. Yuriy Polyakov. Before that, I obtained by Bachelor’s degree in CS and Math at UCLA.

  • My main research interests lie in the general area of cryptography, including lattice-based cryptography, blockchain-based cryptographic protocols, and so on.

Selected Publications (Reverse Chronological Order)

The authors of all the publications below are in alphabetical order. For the full list, please see my google scholar for the most up-to-date version or here for a manually kept version.


  • Zeyu Liu, Yunhao Wang. “Relaxed Functional Bootstrapping: A New Perspective on BGV/BFV Bootstrapping.” Asiacrypt 2024.

  • Ben Fisch, Arthur Lazzaretti, Zeyu Liu, Charalampos Papamanthou. “ThorPIR: Single Server PIR via Homomorphic Thorp Shuffles.” CCS 2024.

  • Zeyu Liu, Eran Tromer, Yunhao Wang. “PerfOMR: Oblivious Message Retrieval with Reduced Communication and Computation.” Usenix Security 2024.

  • Zeyu Liu, Eran Tromer, Yunhao Wang. “Group Oblivious Message Retrieval.” S&P 2024.

  • Zeyu Liu, Yunhao Wang. “Amortized Functional Bootstrapping in less than 7ms, with $\tilde{O}(1)$ polynomial multiplications.” Asiacrypt 2023.

  • Ben Fisch, Zeyu Liu, Psi Vesely. “Orbweaver: Succinct Linear Functional Commitments from Lattices.” Crypto 2023

  • Zeyu Liu, Daniele Micciancio, Yuriy Polyakov. “Large-precision homomorphic sign evaluation using FHEW/TFHE bootstrapping.” Asiacrypt 2022.

  • Chengyu Lin, Zeyu Liu, Tal Malkin. “XSPIR: Efficient Symmetrically Private Information Retrieval from Ring-LWE.” ESORICS 2022.

  • Zeyu Liu, Eran Tromer. “Oblivious Message Retrieval.” Crypto 2022.

In submission (available on eprint)

  • Ben Fisch, Arthur Lazzaretti, Zeyu Liu, Lei Yang. “Permissionless Verifiable Information Dispersal (Data Availability for Bitcoin Rollups).”

  • Zeyu Liu, Katerina Sotiraki, Eran Tromer, Yunhao Wang. “Snake-eye Resistance from LWE for Oblivious Message Retrieval and Robust Encryption.”

  • Sashidhar Jakkamsetti, Zeyu Liu, Varun Madathil. “Scalable Private Signaling.”


  • Snake-eye Resistance from LWE for Oblivious Message Retrieval and Robust Encryption
    • NYU Crypto Reading Group
    • Purdue Crypto Reading Group
  • PerfOMR
    • Usenix 2024
  • (Group) Oblivious Message Retrieval
    • Crypto 2022
    • MIT CSAIL Security Seminar
    • Brown University Cryptography Reading Group
    • S&P 2024
  • Amortized Functional Bootstrapping
    • Ant Research FHE Seminar
    • NYC Crypto Day
    • Asiacrypt 2023
  • Large-precision homomorphic sign evaluation using FHEW/TFHE bootstrapping
    • Asiacrypt 2022

Academic Services

Reviewer at Crypto 2024, 2023, 2022; S&P 2025, 2024; Asiacrypt 2024; PKC 2024; TCC 2023; SCN 2022


Received the Andrew P. Kosoresow Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service in 2022 for the course Introduction to Cryptography at Columbia University. See the full list of my teaching experience here.